G Suite has one major selling point over the competition - collaboration is embedded in its DNA. Google has beefed up G Suite further by adding more collaborative features to G Suite apps, with most of them designed to improve collaboration within teams. But one of the most useful changes is its improvement to tracking changes in Google Docs.

Revision History Gets a Major Facelift and Name Change

The most important change that Microsoft legacy users have been calling for is the ability to accept all changes at once in your document. You can navigate to it by selecting Select Tools > Review suggested edits > Accept all OR Reject all.

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Working on a document with multiple stakeholders presents many potential pitfalls. Google removes some of them with the ability to name versions in Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. This means that when Craig makes a change to a file, he can name his version filename_Craigedits, allowing for quicker retrieval of his changes at a glance.

Additionally, “Revision History” has been renamed to “Version History” - a small change but a necessary one to be aware of.

You can now also preview a “clean” version of your file, removing all comments and edits. This removes an endemic problem present mostly in Microsoft Word - grammar and spelling errors can get lost in the mix with a file that has a number of comments and changes. Previewing a clean version lets you check for this without erasing all of the comments and changes.

Find Relevant Documents with Google Cloud Search

G Suite for Business and Enterprise customers can now find any relevant documents they need while creating a document in Google Docs or Google Slides with the power of Google Cloud Search. Just pop open the “Explore” tab, look for the relevant documents, and open them - all without having to backtrack to Google Drive.

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New Templates & Add-Ons to Save Time

New templates are now available for NDAs and consulting agreements which can allow your team to get signatures on a document as part of add-on functionality. Please note that you will have to set up an account with the third-party provider, such as PandaDoc or Docusign, to use some of the signature functionality.

If you have been waiting for Google Docs to act more like Microsoft Word to pull the trigger on getting G Suite for your business, now is the time. Contact UpCurve Cloud today to get started.

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