Google is always on the lookout for improvements that will enhance and streamline the G Suite experience. There’s even a running list with descriptions of every G Suite update on their “What’s New in G Suite” page. As G Suite grows, this list and its technical descriptions can become daunting.

Since so many updates happen these days automatically, sometimes features and fixes made for us slip unnoticed under our noses. So, which of these updates are the newest, and how will they affect G Suite users?

These newest updates rolled out on May 22, benefit both admins and their teams alike in the quest for productivity.

sites migration tool update - UpCurve Cloud

Google Sites Automatic Conversion Tool (admin preview)

Google Sites is the G Suite’s “free and easy way to create and share web pages,” which recently changed its interface. Users mentioned that they were struggling to manually move their sites from the classic format to the new interface, so Google came up with a conversion tool to resolve that dilemma.

The conversion tool allows site owners to create a draft version of their site in the new interface. A draft created using the conversion tool will “have the updated look of the new Sites, and contain the content from your classic site.” When the new site goes live, you can then decide whether to make a new URL or keep the old one.

This update is currently in “admin preview” mode, and will officially launch to End Users on June 19.

To see if the tool will work for your Google Site, open it in the classic form and look for a banner that says “New: Convert to New Sites.” Alternatively, check the left sidebar under Settings > Manage Site > Convert to New Sites.

google calendar audit log - UpCurve Cloud

Improved Google Calendar Audit Logs

This update makes it easier to read and understand audit logs from the admin console. Audit Logs allow admins to investigate changes that are made in Google Calendar.

With this update, it’s easier to check out changes to the calendar that may have been made through third-party systems like Microsoft Exchange. Google has added more specific information to the audit logs so that admins can see where the email originated, and what third-party system was used to send those messages if any.

If you’re an admin and want to check out your audit logs, look in the Admin console under Reports > Calendar. You can also filter to see any third-party originated changes by checking “Gmail ICS Parser” under the “API Kind” field.

password setting - UpCurve Cloud

Password Protection Mandate Option for Android Work Profiles

Google mobile management gives users safe access to work apps and materials from their mobile devices, making it simple to get work done on-the-go and communicate with your team from anywhere. But the folks at Google know work isn’t all you use your phone for, which is why they provide the option to set up separate work profiles on Android devices.

The most recent update to the work profile option adds an extra layer of security to those sensitive work accounts. Admins can now set a password requirement on Google mobile work profiles, and even set the parameters of what the password should look like (characters, numbers, etc). All they have to do is go to Device Settings > Password Settings to manage the password policy.

The password policy won’t affect your personal Google account and will keep all of that work data extra secure.

Expanded Braille Support in Google Sheets

Lately, Google has been in the pursuit of making all of their apps more accessible. They already provide Braille Support in Google Sheets, and now they’ve expanded that support on Windows computers with JAWS and NVDA screen readers.

Now, users with a braille display can read and edit cell contents and navigate between cells. However, the braille support will only be available on certain platforms, so check to make sure yours is compatible.

It seems like every app is updating, all the time. Fortunately, the G Suite is always working hard for you so that you can work faster and with ease. It can be difficult to keep track of the new features as they roll out, but this month be sure to take advantage of these new solutions and make them a regular part of your G Suite.

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